A tanítványok kiválasztása és elhívása



disciple, apostle, election, calling, master.


The Election and Calling of the Disciples

Jesus’ calling and sending was chronologically followed by the vocation and election of the disciples. The call and election happened in accordance with Jesus’ and the Father’s sovereign will. According to Mk 3,13 Jesus called to himself those whom he wanted, but we know that he followed and completed the Father’s will. Luke records that Jesus spent the night previous to the election of the disciples by praying to the Fa- ther (Lk 6,12–13). The story of the disciples’ vocation shows several resemblances with the call stories of the Old Testament prophets, especially the call of Elisha by Elijah (1Kgs 19,19–21). Karl Heinrich Rengstorf strongly refutes this view because he thinks that in the Old Testament did not exist the master-disciple relationship. Although many agreed, at this point he is wrong. Jesus’ disciples do not have to be on proba- tion and live isolated the followers of the Teacher of Righteousness in Qumran. The disciples of the Nazarene show several similarities with the Hellenistic disciples, especially with the cynics, but they cannot be confused with these. In the lives of the Hellenistic and the rabbi disciples wisdom and the study and assimilation of the To- rah played an extremely important role. Contrary to the latter Jesus’ disciples received calling primarily for service. Jesus taught the message and love of the Father, lived it in front of his disciples in order that they may continue his mission. In those times the candidates could choose the master, but Jesus chose his disciples himself. The fol- lowers of philosophy and the disciples of the rabbis could surpass their masters, but for Jesus’ disciples it was enough to be like the one that called. Some of Jesus’ disciples followed John the Baptist earlier, who also had a well defined group of disciples. The Twelve abandoned their occupations (Mk 1,18.20; cf. Mt 4,20.22; Lk 5,11.28), homes (Mk 1,29), relatives (Mk 1,20; cf. Mt 4,22; Mk 1,30), in one word everything (Mk 10,28; cf. Mt 19,27; Lk 5,11.28) immediately after the calling. Above all these they had to give up their own lives, to share in the master’s destiny.


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How to Cite

LÉSZAI, L. (2015). A tanítványok kiválasztása és elhívása. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Reformata Transylvanica, 60(2), 8–20. Retrieved from




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