

Communicating via computers has lately come to represent a routine, ritual, and consequential activity on personal and professional levels alike. Under the umbrella term computer-mediated communication, a plethora of socio-cultural acts are performed that are agentive for identity construction. From among them, linguistic scholars have been particularly interested in how individual or group identities are negotiated through text across the fixed-fluid continuum. The main vehicle for communication in a medium that is multimodal, language is pervasively instrumental in negotiating identities in ways that are subtle, finely calibrated, and often, liminal.

Author Biographies

Alexandra COTOC, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. Email:, Email:

Alexandra COTOC is a lecturer PhD in the Department of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania. Her scientific fields of interest are Internet Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis, English for Academic Purposes, and Digital Humanities. She is an alumna of the European Summer School in Digital Humanities in Leipzig, Germany. She was a member of the ClipFlair project (Foreign Language Learning through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips), Barcelona, Spain and she is a member of the European project DIAL4U - Digital pedagogy to develop Autonomy, mediate and certify Lifewide and Lifelong Language Learning for (European) Universities, 2021-2023. Email:

Diana COTRĂU, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. Email:

Diana COTRĂU is Associate Professor at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania. Her core academic work has been devoted to teaching and researching fresh topics in domains such as Intercultural Communication, Cultural Sociolinguistics, and Internet Linguistics. Her latest interests lie in analysing the online discourse construction of identities and textual semiotic architecture in the Social Media. Her single-authored and collaborative published work includes several papers and the following books and volumes: Youth Identity in Media Discourse. A Sociolinguistic Perspective (2008), Studies in Language, Culture, and the Media (2009), Online and Offline Discourses. New Worlds, New Sociolinguistic Perspectives (2019) and An Introduction to Internet Linguistics. The Cultural Sociolinguistic Take with Case Studies (2021). Email:




How to Cite

COTOC, A., & COTRĂU, D. (2022). INTRODUCTION. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Philologia, 67(4), 11–13. Retrieved from



Introductions & Arguments